IBM UrbanCode Deploy helps you to plan and automate the deployment of complex applications to development, test, and production environments. It supports distributed and z/OS applications to deploy. This article briefs about how Urbancode Deploy helps to deploy z/OS application
User can access the application and do the code change with any Source Control Management like CA Edevor, Serena Changeman or RTC, build application with Ant/ Maven ( for distributed application) or IBM Dependency Based Build (for z/OS Applications) and Urbancode Deploy can automate deployment to Windows, Linux or z/OS
UCD z/OS agents need to be installed in z/OS by the SMP/e process and the agent should be active to connect with the Serve. Agent can be started either Started task by customize the started task JCL hlq.SBUZSAMP(BUZAGNT) Or by Command line command from installation location ./start agent
UCD Server can be on Windows /Linux and UCD agent on z/OS LPAR.
Code Station choice
- Server Codestation or
- HFS Code station
- Default for z/OS artifacts – Server Codetstation, but is HFS then default location is agent install dir/var/repository
At VRG Technologies, we have strong expertise on Urbancode Deploy both in distributed and z/OS systems and applications. For more information you can email us …………………………………………… or visit us